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Sun, 04 May 2008

Comments Views: 4393

9:06 PM. Sun, May 4
I love this angle of the strip. When you look at the Multiplex bldg and the pub, it almost fits in because you cant see it.
10:05 AM. Thu, May 8
"change".... the pub on the right has been sold.....the buildings on the left are marked for demolition
2:33 PM. Tue, May 13
The buildings on the left are NOT marked for demolition. Most of them are in a shocking state though as no maintenance has been put into them for many years.
2:33 PM. Tue, May 13
Except mine. Its in good nick.
9:19 AM. Sun, May 18
Well, the buildings on the left are under an "Urban Design Review" which, if approved, would see them knocked down and rebuilt. See:
8:30 PM. Sat, May 24
Urban Design Review did not pass council muster. Now if we could just get rid of that deadbeat crew of 10 or so 17YO's in there it would be the perfect little beach strip.
5:00 PM. Fri, May 13, 2011